Metal Roofing in Leesburg VA

Phone 540-222-1642 we are Alpha Rain The Metal Roofing Company.  We are going to talk about Snow Birds for Metal Roofing Leesburg VA, also known as snow guards.  We will talk about if there is enough snow each year to even consider snow birds, and how they are installed on standing seam metal roofs.

Quite a few of our customers choose not to installed snow birds due to the cost.  They are expensive, they are $25 each.  We have ours powder coated which should last the length of the paint on the metal roof which is 35 years, if you spray paint or brush paint them the paint will come of the first snow or ice that we have.  Getting back to if you need them in Leesburg VA, after the two snows we had in the winter of 2009 and 2010 most of the customers that choose to not have snow birds installed had most of their gutters damaged and lots of shrubs and bushes below damaged or kill when the snow or ice came failing down.

In conclusion in Leesburg you need snow birds, every few years we get enough snow that it would do more damage to gutters and other bushes around your house to pay the money up front to get them installed.

Take a look at the video below, you can also contact us by phone 540-687-0603 or by email or

Please take a look at our video titled Metal Roofing Leesburg VA

For more info please fill out our form below and I will contact you.

The article was made for the zip codes of  20175, 20176.

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Showing the most energy efficient Metal roofing ventilation system on a Standing Seam Metal Roof in Charlottesville, VA Contact us at: (434) 207-5560 or visit our site at


Alpha Rain has developed a new innovative Energy Efficient Roof Ventilation System for Metal Roofs in Va, we are putting this patented roof on many homes in the Charlottesville VA area.

Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA

There are 3 ways to transmit heat:
• Direct heat transfer-think of a tea kettle on an open flame
• Convective heat transfer- think of a turkey in an oven where the hot air cooks the turkey
• Radiant heat transfer- think of popcorn in a microwave

Our new Radiant Therma Vent roofing system addresses all three. The Radiant Therma Vent panel acts as a thermal break to stop the direct heat transfer. The air ventilation we introduce into the radiant Thema Vent system stops the convective heat transfer by ventilating the hot air out of the ridge and pulling in the cool air from the eave area. This system even vents the hot air from the attic. The use of a Radiant barrier stops the radiant heat transfer. This radiant barrier is so intelligent that in the winter it stops the radiant heat from leaving your house!

This system is only available from Alpha Rain, your metal roof specialist. We will be happy to show you a prototype of this system and actually take apart a portable mock up of a section of roof. We will also show you on a digital photo what your home will look like with a metal roofing. We can even show you different roof colors so you won’t be guessing what color will look best. See all these new technologies on our website at (434) 207-5560