
Best can refer to longevity, attractiveness, cost or water and wind durability, as well as energy efficiency so let’s discuss all of them.

Longevity is simple because a metal roof is a permanent roof, not a temporary roof. Remember, asphalt shingle roofs are made to start deteriorating from the day they are installed. There were 9 rate increases last year alone due to the increase in price on all petroleum-based products. To keep the cost down manufacturers are decreasing. by as much as 30%. the amount of asphalt in their shingles with the result of a shorter lifetime. One of the filler materials being used is crushed limestone which promotes the growth of algae and reduces the effective lifetime by several years unless you pay for a fairly costly roof cleaning process every year. A “lifetime” asphalt shingle may only last 15 or 20 years. Our Galvalume coated shingles have a 40-year coating warranty from cracking or peeling. Recent tests on 50-year-old non painted Galvalume roofs have shown that at their current rate of corrosion they will last more than 100 years. Add 40 years for the coating warranty and you really do have a permanent roof.

4Ever Metal Shingle

When we talk about attractiveness metal roofs win hands down. They never grow algae or mold and they don’t discolor. Rain cleans them naturally and they stay looking new for years and years. Our metal shingles come in many attractive colors and they are all Energy Star rated so they save you energy as well.

As far as an affordable roof these roofs will outlast asphalt shingle roofs for many replacements so it is literally the cheapest roofing costs available. Buy one asphalt shingle roof today and another in 15 years and you have already paid twice what our metal shingle roof cost.

4 Ever Metal Shingle By Alpha Rain

Asphalt shingle roofs all have warranty exclusions for 50 mph winds. Our roofs will withstand hurricane-force wind-driven rain with no problems and it won’t void the 40-year paint warranty. You won’t experience blown shingles or torn tabs with our metal shingles like you will with asphalt shingles.  You also don’t have to worry about your tar strip not adhering if you install in the winter or if the tar strips get dirty as you do with asphalt roofs.

Our metal shingles have an energy-saving benefit as well. Our Advanced Option can lower your asphalt shingle attic temperature in the middle of the summer from 170 to 130 degrees. Install our Platinum Option and we can reduce the temperature to the 105 range. These roofs will literally pay for themselves if you live in a house long enough so you can see why they are the best roof in every category.

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