Showing the most energy efficient Metal roofing ventilation system on a Standing Seam Metal Roof in Charlottesville, VA Contact us at: (434) 207-5560 or visit our site at


Alpha Rain has developed a new innovative Energy Efficient Roof Ventilation System for Metal Roofs in Va, we are putting this patented roof on many homes in the Charlottesville VA area.

Metal Roofing Charlottesville VA

There are 3 ways to transmit heat:
• Direct heat transfer-think of a tea kettle on an open flame
• Convective heat transfer- think of a turkey in an oven where the hot air cooks the turkey
• Radiant heat transfer- think of popcorn in a microwave

Our new Radiant Therma Vent roofing system addresses all three. The Radiant Therma Vent panel acts as a thermal break to stop the direct heat transfer. The air ventilation we introduce into the radiant Thema Vent system stops the convective heat transfer by ventilating the hot air out of the ridge and pulling in the cool air from the eave area. This system even vents the hot air from the attic. The use of a Radiant barrier stops the radiant heat transfer. This radiant barrier is so intelligent that in the winter it stops the radiant heat from leaving your house!

This system is only available from Alpha Rain, your metal roof specialist. We will be happy to show you a prototype of this system and actually take apart a portable mock up of a section of roof. We will also show you on a digital photo what your home will look like with a metal roofing. We can even show you different roof colors so you won’t be guessing what color will look best. See all these new technologies on our website at (434) 207-5560

Metal Roofing VA Oil Canning

What in the world is oil canning? In the vernacular of metal roof installers oil canning is when a metal roof, particularly standing seam metal roofs, has bulges and ripples in it. This phenomenon occurs for a plethora (I always wanted to use that word in a blog) of reasons. The main culprit is the roof deck. Think of it this way, the deck of the roof is the bones and the metal roofing VA is the skin. However the bones lay, that is how the skin is going to lay. If the deck has as little as a 1/8 inch deflection then that panel will not lay flat. Here are some more reasons, if the master coil is slit with more tension on one of the decoilers then it will keep that tension in that coil and the panel won’t lay perfectly flat. Add to that humidity and when the humidity around the roof is different it will oil can.

These types of roof also expand and contract with heat or cold weather. A 50 foot panel will “stretch” as much as ¼ of an inch between the summer and winter months. In these panels we actually use clips that allow the panels to expand and contract. If you compare the new steel panels with the old tin panels you can see that we have made some headway on reducing oil canning. However we don’t think we will ever be able to eliminate it altogether.

For more information on oil canning and other elements of standing seam metal roofing VA please visit us at or call us at (540) 222-1642

Everything You Need to Know About Snowbirds

I noticed we don’t have any information about snowbirds on our website. Since we just had about 16″ of snow this seams to be a relevant topic. Why do we need snowbirds? After it snows 6″ or more metal roofs will generally release the snow in a sheet of ice on the first sunny day and anything under this avalanche is in jeopardy.
If there were more snow it generally slides off in one huge mass. There are two styles of snowbirds pictured below.Snowbirds

Both the red and green snowbirds are powder coated the color of the roof metal. Painted snowbirds only take a few snows before the freezing action of the snow pulls all of the paint off. The snowbird on the right is made of bronze and used on copper roofs. All these snowbirds are attached with two set screws on the standing seam metal roof so as to not penetrate or mar the metal or paint. Please let us know of any questions you have at or call us. (540) 222-1642

Also check out our video here:

Snow Birds Warrenton VA Metal Roofing (540) 222-1642

Paul Dysart from Alpha Rain Metal Roofing shot a live video from his house to show you why snow birds are so important to have on your roof.  Paul’s house is located in Warrenton VA.  This video was shot February 14, 2014.  Paul compares a standing seam metal roof with snow birds and one without snow birds to show you the difference.  Please visit: to watch the video.  Alot of clients ask Alpha Rain how they can stop the snow from hanging off their roof or falling off in large quantities which can be very dangerous.  Paul covers that in this video and you can see clearly how effective these snow birds are in controlling the snow and ice.  These snow birds also stop ice damning and help the roofs control melting snow and ice which in turns protects the roof from heavy snow building up on gutters.  Alpha Rain has installed snow birds all over Virginia especially in the Warrenton VA Metal Roofing community.

Standing Seam Metal Roof Installation Middleburg VA

Metal Roofing Installation on a job near Middleburg VA, we are taking off an old barn tin aluminum roof shown in the video and replacing it with a 35-year warranty metal roof by Sheffield Metal Manufacture.  We are going to show the new metal roof, and explain what oil canning is and how to keep it from happening as much or more depending on what you are installing it on.