Common Mistakes to Avoid While Installing a Metal Roof
If you want to make sure you’ll get all your money’s worth when it comes with metal roof installation, ensure to hire credible residential metal roofing contractor. Why? Because, admittedly, roofers use leftover materials from their previous jobs where the materials were not purchased, it ends you up form different batches of color variation which is quite obvious causing the effect of both quality and color of your roof. Imagine, you are paying a lot of money with this project, only to be revealed that you are actually paying leftover.
There are several privileges a certain metal roofing company may offer to you such as more than a decade warranty. However, just like any other services or products, ones the seal were removed, the warranty will be voided. You should aware for wrong sealant, jagged cut which were not sealed, fasteners which were installed too tight, unsealed scratches from installing crews.
Backing out screws and fasteners
As mentioned, you have to make sure that your roofers are properly trained and skillful prior to your metal roofing project. Rusting fasteners and crews which were not installed properly may create leaks. Roofers simply drive the screw fasteners from the top side of the panel. Very well-trained professional roofers will make sure that your metal roof is 100% free from leaks. Standing seam metal roofing panels is a great alternative which is wind and hurricane resistant.
Lowest bidder
Yes, you want look for the cheapest metal roofing system as much as possible, but it does not necessarily mean that you are going to compromised prior to the quality of your metal roof installation. Your main priority concerning this project is the quality and not just the price itself. Keep in mind that the project must meet your expectation. Be sure to ask your roofers or metal roofing contractors about their previous work project, terms of warranty and how long they’ve been into the metal roofing industry.
Sep 11, 2015
Paul Dysart
Energy Efficient System with Virginia Green Homes
Few years ago in some locations such as Northern New England, Mid-West and in the South, the metal roofing systems were used particularly for industrial and commercial buildings. But this time the standing seam metal roof has evolved from industrial and commercial to residential purposes. In fact, it is a modern architecture roofing system for homes as a premium choice. The quality is reliable and long lasting which makes all your money’s worth. Once the standing seam has been correctly installed, you don’t have to worry about further maintenance and repairs on the roof itself with the exception of having some flashing checked. This type of roofing system comes with several materials such as galvanized, galvalume, aluminum, copper, and zinc. There are also galvalume coated steel, cool roof energy star rated colors and designs.
But you have to keep in mind; however, that metal roofing is not exactly a (DIIY) “Do It Yourself” project. In order for you to achieve a state-of-the-art roof, what you need is experience and a master in the trade. The job of Metal Roofing requires you to have a special training that takes years to have basic knowledge on the subject matter. Yet again, the experience can only be acquired by doing the actual project and working with other professional contractors who have been in this kind of trade for a long time.
Standing Seam Concept
A particular area is raised each time there is a joining metal roof panel which creates the structure of the roofing system that is called as the seam. These seams are connected to each other by way of the roofing panels being seamed together which allows the water runoff in the most fashionable and safest way. The standard seams are actually a part of the metal roofing panel themselves and cannot be ordered separately and should be installed by a qualified knowledgeable metal roofing installer that has more than just a few year experience.
Metal panels
In order for a properly installed metal roofing system moisture needs to be addressed and considered. You will need to make sure the qualified installer installs a vapor barrier beneath the metal roof. The vapor barrier needs to be able to breathe allowing the vapor from the moisture that is made by condensation of the metal roofing to escape. This vapor barrier will create a protective underlaymentunder the roof which preserves the longevity of the metal and keeps any unwanted moisture off of the roof decking. In addition, this makes sure that your roof can withstand all kinds of weather.
Metal roofing system are becoming more and more popular particularly for residential homes since this kind of roofing material is durable and looks good. It is a cost-effective roofing system and eco-friendly.
Alpha Rain Incorporated
Virginia Green Homes
Therma Vent is a legitimate expert in the ventilation of metal roofing. Theyare committed to developing affordable green home technologies serving for several years with the design and creation of America’s most energy efficient ventilation system. We Alpha Rain have been installing metal roofing for over a decade and a half and have never used or seem such an amazing energy efficient ventilation system for metal roofing. We have not installed dozens of installations with the same results of amazement by the home owners which is always unbelief of the change in their attics and homes climate inside. We have changed attic temperatures from 150 degrees down to 103 with the install of this new innovative ventilation system that is installed underneath our metal roofing.
So, if you want to increase the value of your home with quality roofing system, you’ll be sure to check us Alpha Rain out a metal roofing company.
Jul 3, 2015
Paul Dysart
Get Outstanding Ventilation System in Virginia
A proper ventilation system on residential homes and commercial offices is often the single most important factor you need to consider pertaining to a roofing system and attic. A metal roofing that has a good ventilation system along with properly installed material will be able to maintenance its durability and effectiveness over a long period of time. It will provide longer services and comforts you and your family at home with the idea that you will not have to replace your roof for the next 100 years. When it comes with commercial offices, it allows the area to become very conducive for work with a clean look and appearance for years to come.
Metal roofing is designed within buildings which are exposed to natural elements such as strong winds, blizzards, hail and sunlight. It works best with a suitable natural ventilation system in order to control the temperature under the roof and in the attic and living space. However, most homeowners and commercial building proprietors still neglects this aspect and are not aware of how important a proper ventilation system is for roofs and attics alike.
What Constitutes a Good Ventilation System?
The principle of any ventilation system structure is the balance of the air that comes in and air that flows out. A proper ventilation system must consisted of proper air intake in order to make sure that the air is accurately ventilated under the roof and allowed to flow freely as the roof heats up and hot air naturally rises.
The ventilation system’s opening allows the external air to come in to keep the outside air temperature the same as the base of the attic. The other ventilation system’s opening at the ridge of the roof and attic will serve as the conduit to allow for the hotter air to escape as it naturally rises. This cycle of heat exchange regulates the temperature making your investment in roofing cost effective and there is even a ROI when you take into account the savings on electricity and prolonging you AC units as well.
When selecting a ventilation system, there are a few that work properly and based on budget you can choose from basis all the way to up the platinum ventilation system. It is good to have a knowledgeable ventilation expert help inspect your attic and roofing system to be able to suggest the best possible ventilation options available.
Metal Roofing VA
Metal Roofing VA
We Alpha Rain Incorporated, makers of high quality metal roofing and ventilation systems, serving in most parts of Virginia, have developed a patented under roof ventilation system. This patented ventilation system is installed with verified test and proven results on real homes.
Unarguably, for the past several decades, most ventilation systems involved a great amount of money with little real results. But, with our state-of-the-art ventilation system using eco-friendly techniques powered by thermal energy, your attic’s air temperature will never be the same. We tested our innovative approach with 96 degrees outside air, and an extremely hot 149 degrees in the attic room. Once we installed our Therma Vent system we then waited for another day that was 96 degrees outside, and then tested the temperature inside the attic and it shrink down from 149 to 96.5 degrees.
Why us?
We Alpha Rain Incorporated are the most prestigious metal roofing company in VA and has been in the roofing and ventilation system for over 15 years solely installing metal roofing, and offering a 35 years of warranty concerning the paint on your metal roof. An average house with our new metal roof will last over a hundred years. A huge problem is ventilation since most of the older homes were designed with standing seam metal roof but back then they did not think about ventilation, we have solved this problem for old home and new alike with our panted under roof ventilation system called “Therma Vent”. We will provide you with many references about your metal roofing and ventilation system. We look forward for the opportunity to meet you concerning about your metal roofing needs.
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